Estonian University of Life Sciences students drawing studio exhibition
Until the 21th of March a selection of drawings, watercolors and mixed-tehnique experiments are exhibited at the Estonian University of Life Sciences Library. Artworks are created by art-lover students of our university during autumn semester of 2018.
The authors of the drawings are Daiva Soodla (geodesy and land management), Karel Mustrik (wood processing technologies), Darja Korjukina (environmental planning and landscaping), Kätlin Jõgiste (agrarian economics and marketing), Ülle Jõgar (landscape architecture) and Elizaveta Lakhtina (environmental planning and landscaping).
The drawing studio of Estonian University of Life Sciences has been acting several years. The current exhibit, where most of the drawings are on the motifs of beach landscapes, is the fourth exhibition of students drawing studio. The studio takes place on Wednesday evenings (Kreutzwaldi 56/3, room 231; PK. 1450. Drawing studio). Studio learns together how to represent the surrounding environment, how to darw and paint, also different techniques are experimented etc. In spring and autumn outdoor drawing classes are held.
Art-lovers, come to draw!