Anne Parmasto "Sweet Dreams. Vol 2"
Anne Parmasto: Once a known Professor in Natural Sciences, Hans Trass, asked me: "What do you want to say with your works?". It happened at the reception of the university's anniversary as we were standing in front of the remains of a big cake. I took the knife and made a big circle in this scenic chaos and separated a small sector and said: "What I can say about my work is just that big." He stood astonished for a moment, then I saw a flash of recognition in his eyes. No words were needed.
Anne Parmasto was born on December 13, 1952 in Tartu. Since 1999 she has been an Associate Professor of Painting at the University of Tartu. Anne Parmasto is a member of the Tartu Artists’ Association (2002), the Rabnitztaler Artists' Group (Austria 2000), the Estonian Painters' Association (1995) and the Estonian Artists' Union (1993).
Exhibition is open until the 10th of June at the Estonian University of Life Sciences Library.