Library`s summer 2020
In August the library is opened on working days from 9 am to 3 pm
The Libary will be closed on 20th and 21st of August
Books can be borrowed and returned. The reading room, the open stack, and study rooms are opened. You can use all services to print and copy in the library and also the cloud-printing Print In City.
Returning books to the library
- to EULS Library home lending, returning books is possible during the library’s opening hours
- via Omniva parcel machine, parcel fee is charged from sender
Please choose the Tartu Tuglase Rimi as the receiving parcel machine and Eesti Maaülikooli raamatukogu as the recipient of the parcel. For the required contact phone number please enter 5223616.
- with parcel post to the address EMÜ raamatukogu, Kreutzwaldi 1A, Tartu 51006
- by internal mail (only for lecturers)
Read more on Returns
Request books
Items can be requested for home lending if items statuses are AVAILABLE.
- from EULS Library home lending: Delivery time of the requested items is 1 hour during the library's opening hours (at the moment on working days from 9 am to 3 pm).
- by Omniva parcel machine (courier pick-up), parcel fee is charged from customer
It is possible to order only two (2) books at the same time.
- by internal mail (only for lecturers)
It is possible to order only two (2) books at the same time.
Transfere of the books with internal mail and to parcel machine takes place on working days.
Read more on Request and Place Hold
Web based information requests and e-mail is checked regularly.
The library is prepared to help you in any way possible: - all e-services, research data - ordering e-books - using databases, installation of OpenVPN - searching information