Defence of the PhD Theses in April and May
Defence of the PhD Thesis of Jonathan Willow Examining thiacloprid, essential oils and double-stranded RNA for potential use in biosafe management of pollen beetle for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture (EMÜ) and Bioscience Engineering (UGent) will take place in the BigBlueButton web room on April 12, 2021, at 12:15.
Supervisors: Prof. Eve Veromann, Estonian University of Life Sciences and Prof. dr. ir Guy Smagghe, Ghent University, Belgium.
Opponent: Dr. Samantha Cook, Rothamsted Research, United Kingdom.
This dissertation is available in the digital archive EMU DSpace.
Defence of the PhD Thesis of Maria Soonberg Regrouping effects on behaviour and welfare of dairy cows for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture will take place on April 26, 2021, at 10:15 (web-based).
Supervisors: Prof. David Arney, Dr. Marko Kass and Prof. Tanel Kaart.
Opponent: Dr. Satu Raussi, Principal Specialist, Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE).
This dissertation is available in the digital archive EMU DSpace.
Defence of the PhD Thesis of Mariana Maante-Kuljus Maturity parameters of grapevine (Vitis sp) yield for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture will take place on April 24, 2021, at 13:15 (web-based).
Supervisors: Professor Kadri Karp, PhD; Associate professor Leila Mainla, PhD; Ele Vool, PhD.
Opponent: Associate professor Kaspars Kampuss, PhD, Faculty of Agriculture Latvia University of Agriculture.
This dissertation is available in the digital archive EMU DSpace.
Defence of the PhD Thesis of Burak Öğlü Impact of climate change and other ecological factors on selected fish populations and fishery in Estonian large lakes for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Biology will take place on May 28, 2021, at 10:15 (web-based).
Supervisors: Prof. Tanel Kaart, PhD; Külli Kangur, PhD; Fabien Cremona, PhD.
Opponent: Prof. Anna Kuparinen, PhD, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
Pre-opponent: Prof. Kalle Olli, PhD, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia.
This dissertation is available in the digital archive EMU DSpace.