Open Science and Data Management - Mandatory and/ or Beneficial?
Seminar for Ph.D. students and researchers
On Friday, May 5th, starting at 11 am, the DataCite Estonia Consortium is organizing a seminar at Tallinn University of Technology (room SOC-212) aimed at informing researchers about the importance of open science and research data management and sharing practical advice for better managing research projects and work.
The seminar will cover the requirements and principles of open science and research data management, including methods for collecting, documenting, and sharing data, archiving, and ethical aspects. In addition, relevant practices and services offered by universities will be presented.
Specialists from Leiden, Göttingen, and Helsinki universities will speak about the principles of open science, research data management opportunities, and practices. Representatives from the Estonian Research Council, universities, and the DataCite Estonia consortium will present the Estonian perspective and experiences.
Researchers, Ph.D. students, and research support staff, for whom implementing the principles of open science is important from a future perspective, are welcome to attend the event.
The seminar is open for both on-site attendance in Tallinn and online participation. For on-site attendance, please register by April 26th.
- I will participate on-site
- I will participate in online
11:00-11:05 Welcoming words – Prof. Tiit Lukk, Vice-Rector for Research, Tallinn University of Technology
11:05-11:35 Introduction to Open Science (virtual presentation) – Birgit Schmidt, Head of Knowledge Commons at Göttingen State and University Library
11:35-11:55 What happens to the research data after the project – a perspective from Helsinki (virtual presentation) – Mikko Mäkelä, UH Information Specialist, Helsinki University Library
11:55-12:20 Research data management from policy to practice: Ongoing activities at Leiden University to make data FAIR (virtual presentation) – Michelle van den Berk, Leiden University Library
12:20-12:40 Data management at Sheffield: from planning to sharing (virtual presentation) – Bev Jones, University of Sheffield Library
12:40-13:00 Coffee break
13:00-13:20 Funding opportunities for early career researchers – Allan Padar, Head of the Field of Researcher Mobility, Estonian Research Council
13:20-13:35 Open Science services at the University of Tallinn – Katrin Niglas, Vice-Rector for Research, University of Tallinn
13:35-13:50 Open Science services at the University of Tartu – Tiiu Tarkpea, Data Librarian, University of Tartu Library
13:50-14:05 Open Science services at the Estonian University of Life Sciences – Kersti Laupa, Director of Library Development, Estonian University of Life Sciences
14:05-14:20 Open Science services in the Tallinn University of Technology – Janelle Kirss, Head Bibliographer, Tallinn University of Technology Library
14:20-14:30 Benefits of DataCite Estonia Consortium – Liisi Lembinen, Development Director, University of Tartu Library
You're more than welcome.