Reference management tool RefWorks

Estonian University of Life Science Library will continue to provide reference management tool RefWo...

Photo exhibition „Estonian nature“

There is photo exhibition „Estonian nature“ at the Library of Estonian Univers...

Defence of the PhD Theses in November

Defence of the PhD Thesis of Peeter Padrik Factors Influencing the Quality of Frozen/Thawed Sem...

Book presentation „Eesti Maaülikooli majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituut 50“ 

The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Estonian University of Life Sciences celebrated th...

Free access to e-books of Harvard Business Publishing Collection

Through the network of EMU are now accessible Harvard Business Publishing Collection e-boo...

Book presentation of Jaan Leetsar

The lecturer of Estonian University of Life Sciences Jaan Leetsar (PhD in Econom...

Database IEEE Xplore training session on 24th of September

Database Training Session on 24th of September 2019 at 13:00 - Institute of Technology, auditorium A...

Imat Suumann "Send-off of the Dörper"

Estonian artist Imat Suumann (1964) is known as a painter of landscapes and city views. At an exhibi...

Defence of the PhD Theses in August and September

Defence of the PhD Thesis of Gunnar Morozov Carbon and nitrogen fluxes in birch and grey alder ...

Fine-free period in June

Our readers can return due date books without fines on 10-20 of June. You are very welco...

Defence of the PhD Theses in June

Defence of the PhD Thesis of Jiayan Ye Quantitative scaling of foliage photosynthetic char...

Trial access to Elgaronline

Through the network of EMÜ we have trial access to the database Elgaronline . Access ...

Defence of the PhD Theses in May

Defence of the PhD Thesis of Marju Tamme „Pigment-based chemotaxonomy – efficient t...

Anne Parmasto "Sweet Dreams. Vol 2"

Anne Parmasto:  Once a known Professor in Natural Sciences, Hans Trass, asked me: "What do...

Journal of Visualized Experiments - JoVE

JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) and EMU Library are inviting you to use an Institutional 30...

Trial access to all content of AIP Publishing 

Through the network of EMU until April 30, we have now acess to all content of AIP Publish...

A gift from the EMU to the Republic of Estonia: 100 scientific articles in Estonian

Mait Klaassen, Rector of the Estonian University of Life Sciences, invited in his inauguration speec...

Print in City Service is More Accessible

  Estonian University of Life Sciences Library offers all printing services beyond the library...

Defence of the PhD Thesis

Defence of the PhD Thesis of Marek Maasikmets „Determination of emission factors from ant...

Trial access to ASABE Technical Library

Through the network of EMÜ we have trial access to ASABE Technical Library until 7th of May. &...

Estonian University of Life Sciences students drawing studio exhibition

Until the 21th of March a selection of drawings, watercolors and mixed-tehnique experiments are exhi...