Application for DOI
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is the persistent link to the digital object.
International DOI Foundation (IDF), a not-for-profit membership organization that is providing Digital Object Identifier (DOI) services and registration.
Estonian University of Life Sciences as a member of DataCite Estonia holds a license to assign DOIs to selected research outputs deposited into the digital archive EMU DSpace. Datasets stored in EMU DSpace are assigned a digital object identifier (DOI) via DataCite Estonia and registered with metadata in the DataCite register, which enables data search, access, and re-use. All DOIs assigned by the Estonian University of Life Sciences be compliant with the requirements of the DataCite organization.
What scientific data can be assigned a DOI?
Estonian University of Life Sciences will assign DOIs with the EMU prefix (EMU) to research outputs submitted to the repository EMU DSpace. NB! Any modifications to the research output will result in a new version of the record with a new DOI.
How do I get a DOI for a dataset?
A researcher should inform the contact person about the need to get DOI, how to transfer the dataset (for example e-mail, or other), arrange/organize their research data, and create metadata for the dataset, including:
- Creators (researchers and/or organizations involved in producing the resource, in priority, affiliation)
- Title(s)
- Subjects
- Dates (relevant to the resource collected)
- Description, method, or abstract
- Alternate Identifiers (an identifier than the primary Identifier applied to the resource being registered)
- Rights
- Funding Reference (information about financial support (funding) for the resource)
Takedown policy
Content held in the repository is intended for long-term preservation. In some case, items may be withdrawn. Reasons for withdrawal might include proven copyright violation or plagiarism, national security, falsified research, etc. Withdrawn items will retain the DOI, and the withdrawal notice will be indicated on the landing page of the research record in the repository EMU DSpace, but the research output itself will not be accessible.
Kersti Laupa, Director of Library Development