Research data management

Managing research data is useful and necessary for the person who conducts the research, in particular, to ensure security and access.


Funding bodies increasingly require their grant holders to produce a Data Management Plan (DMP), both during the bid-preparation stage and after funding has been secured. 

A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a document that outlines from the start of the project the main aspects of the lifecycle of research outputs, notably including data. This includes their provenance, organization, and curation, as well as adequate provisions for their access, preservation, sharing, and eventual deletion, both during and after a project.
Writing a DMP is an activity directly linked to the methodology of the research, i.e. good data management will make the work more efficient/save time, contribute to safeguarding information, and increase the impact and the value of the data among the beneficiaries and others, during and after the research.


DMPonline is the DCC's data management planning tool. It provides tailored guidance and examples to help researchers write data management plans.

  Creating account
If you have an account please sign in and start creating or editing your DMP.
If you do not have a DMPonline account, click on 'Create account' on the homepage.

To create an account, use your e-mail address, select "Library of Estonian University of Life Sciences" as the organization and create a secure password. Read the terms of use, accept and create an account.

If the data management plan is developed at the request of a listed funder (such as the European Commission's Horizon Europe Framework Program), you can use the worksheet Horizon Europe Template (see the picture).

In any case, the most general template for generating a data management plan is a generic DMP.

 Sharing a data management plan

An existing data management plan can be shared with others or created from scratch. There are three levels for sharing:

  • the right to watch
  • the right to make changes or corrections
  • be a co-owner, ie. share rights in addition to editing

As the owner of a data management plan, you enter the email addresses of the people with whom you want to share the plan, assign permissions, and continue working together.


 Please visit the DMPonline 'Help' page for guidance.

The recommended form for the data management plan  for projects funded by ERC and Checklist for a Data Management Plan

Presentation  "Teadusandmete haldamisest ja avaldamisest. 2024" at the seminar "Teadusandmete säilitamine ja andmehaldusplaanide koostamine" on April 19, 2024

           See more here


Presentation Teadusandmete haldamisest ja avaldamisest at the seminar at the Estonian University of Life Sciences on March 9, 2023

See more here 

MANTRA is a free online course for those who manage digital data as part of their research project.

Text of the Nagoya Protocol