Interlibrary Loans (ILL)

Interlibrary Loan is a service to provide library users with books and article copies not owned by the Estonian University of Life Sciences Library.
Materials (books and article copies) in the Estonian University of Life Sciences Library are sent to other libraries at their request.
NB! ILL is not provided inside Tartu.
Orders can be submitted by electronic order form (for libraries, for users) or by e-mail.
ILL supports orders of
  • books
  • copies of articles from journals and newspapers

Generally ILL does not fill orders of

  • journals  
  • reference books
  • fiction
  • Bachelor, Master, and Doctor papers and other materials with manuscript rights

Time of delivery

  • from Estonia up to 1 week
  • from Europe up to 2-5 weeks
  • from the United States up to 1-4 months
Prices of service
  • a copy of the licensed journal article – € 14.25 
  • a copy of an article from another library – € 6.70
  • a book from Estonian libraries - € 6.00 
  • a book from the library in the European Union -  € 15.00
  • a book from the library outside of the European Union -  € 30,00

ILL materials can be paid for by bank card or by bank transfer (based on an invoice submitted by the Finance Department of the Estonian University of Life Sciences). Inform the contact person of the need to receive an invoice or internal invoice.

Contact person
Li Seppet, Chief Bibliographer
+372 731 3062